Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Invasion of Korea(@wSniff

One of the most pervasive taboos in Japan is the Korean Taboo, a tendency among mass medias to refrain from the criticism or negative evaluation to Koreans and the country of Korea, conspicuously seen in reporting the names of Korean culprits committing crimes in Japan, namely announcing their Japanese names. This tendency has been brewed up through the stubborn and tenacious opposition from the Korean groups in Japan and pervasion of Koreans in mass media. After the second world war, from the Korean peninsular the discriminated people visited and settled down in Japan in fact most of them came to Japan spontaneously, however they maintain they had been carried to Japan coercively, which has been their alleged reason for requiring rights and favorable status from Japanese government. Some of them were in pursuit of pachinko parlors, namely casinos to earn a huge amount of money and in result they occupies a certain status in Japan.
In the 2ch, this kind of taboo was totally ignored and even the commentary that partook of racial discrimination against Koreans could be freely expressed.
But, the paradise of speech was suddenly threatened by the treason of Hiroyuki Nishimura, the owner and supervisor of the 2ch. Hiroyuki Nishimura determined to adopt a Korean company NAVER as the service provider for the part of the 2ch services from the viewpoint of costs. However from the viewpoint of freedom of speech, this decision was open to suspicion in that the NAVER is the affiliate to the Samson Group, one of the Korean Giant Economic Groups, especially sponsored by Korean government. The Korean government can collect information about the posters who are con Koreans and the policy of Korean government to Japan through the IP-addresses. Even though there does not exist apparent thwart of con-Korean speech and postings, traceability of posters is quite deterrent to the freedom of speech.
I, as the representative 2channeller(poster of the 2ch) who was televised and introduced so nationwide in the program featuring the 2ch, expressed apprehensions about the threat to the freedom of speech in the 2ch. See the details in the below-linked webpage written in Japanese and its subsequent pages linked in it.

The purport of my opinion was never based on racial discrimination, but on the sound formation of opinions in Japan, to keep it intact from the influence and interference of outer powers. Especially, in the formation of opinion in the field of countermeasures to Koreans and the Korean peninsular, the interference of Koreans is bound to cause unsound formation of opinions unduly deflected from the profit of Japan.
Just after the adoption of the NAVER, there happened an onslaught to the ZERO corporation in Sapporo, the former total service provider for the 2ch by scoundrels in the name of demanding deletion unfavorable to them. I suspected this was done by the gangs wirepulled by Korean government and Korean groups in Japan.